Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Falling Door Frames, Soothers and a Good end to a strange Day!

 Yesterday was an O.K day in the end...

I was making dinner when Husband/Daddy came in the door from work. I missed him yesterday... a lot. He then informed me that a door frame had fallen on his neck/upper back at work and he was in a lot of pain. Poor guy... What kinda luck we have had lately with our bodies. I fell down the stairs weeks ago.. carrying little Man (He was ok, I protected him by holding him on my tummy) But my tailbone STILL hurts, not as bad as it did for the week or so after, but none the less I still have problems getting up and getting comfortable sometimes... and now Husband/Daddy is in a world of pain. Poor Baby.

*....But on another MORE positive note....*

That's right, a positive note.....One of the latest Parenting battles has seemingly been conquered...Boo Yaka Sha......  The Soother... or as we like to call it the "sucky." We had taken it away during the day and the only time he was allowed to have it was at nap time or at bedtime.... we had decided to tackle taking it away completely after that but it has been almost a year since we limited it to bedtimes...

Last night I went over to Sister in law/Tia's and Brother in law/Tio's... to go at watch some trashy television. Husband/Daddy dropped me off around 7pm after dinner.. so I wasn't here for bedtime, that was left up to Husband/Daddy. My visit was a lot of fun. I enjoyed getting out and spending time with other people, and I have to say switching between two different "trash" tv shows on a Monday night is seriously my idea of a good time!

Anyways, I got home last night around 10:30pm. Little man was of course, long since sleeping. Husband/Daddy was upstairs playing some video games when I came in.... I sat down, we were talking when all of a sudden he decided to tell me that he had taken the soother away and told Little man that he was a good boy and a big boy and he didn't need it anymore. Needless to say Little man slept ALL night without it last night....

......and Husband/Daddy got a reward for being such a great Daddy. *Wink Wink* Lucky him!

Well, I am off to continue the day today... Lets see what other battles I have in store for me...... I think we might be crazy...


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