Well its Tuesday..We got home from visiting the family (both Husband/Daddy's and my family) Sunday around 5. It was quite the visit we had...
In fact, Little man was NOT a drunk leprechaun in a car seat on the way down to the city, he was actually asleep the entire time! I KNOW RIGHT!? No, I did NOT drug him, or hit him over the head with a pot of gold... he just slept. We got in around 4pm. We went to Husband/Daddy's "Dad's" House.. so Lets just call them Father in Law/Papa and Mother in law/Jay-Jay.... Because that is where we were staying.
We ordered pizza and just kind vegged. Husband/Daddy asked me to go with him to pick up the pizza and so we left little man with Father in law/Papa and Mother in law/Jay-Jay.... and RAN to the car... muahahahahahahahha. We stopped by this bakery that we both love.. and I used to work at... to see what they had since it had been years since I had been in there. BIG MISTAKE. Not only is it just a fantastic as I remember it, but its even BIGGER now and filled with even MORE crazy stuff I can't resist. Had my first authentic Cannoli there.. MMMmmmm Italian Food AND Pastry... I am drooling right now...
We got back and sat down for dinner... I made the huge mistake of putting hot sauce on my pizza... not sure why... it seemed like a good idea at the time.. (It clearly wasn't). After dinner, it was play time. Apparently my little man is the cheekiest little bugger out there, because he just kept testing things.. "Oh since we are at Papa's house I wonder if I am allowed to dive my cars on the nicely painted walls.." NO little man you can NOT. Geez a Loo... The rules are the same even if we are in Timbuktu... get it right... and just because you are making that face with the squinty eyes and the cheeky little smile, doesn't mean I won't put you for a well deserved Time out... Believe it little man...
After Little man was in bed, Husband/Daddy thought a wooden spoon fight was in order.. seriously.. I just put the most mature person in the house to bed... LOL! Him and Mother in law/Jay Jay spent about 20 minuets whacking each other with wooden spoons! I got caught in the crossfire more than once and was even held hostage by Husband a few times... really nice... I was thankful when one of the spoons was broken and the insanity ended.
The next day we spent at Father in Law/Papa's house and Mother in law/Jay-Jay's house for the morning. Little man woke up and since I had been up since 4am that morning due to complications with the Hot Sauce I thought was such a good idea... See? it wasnt. Husband/Daddy let me sleep in so that I wasn't a beast for the remainder of the day... we made plans to go see some friends and hang out for a bit and then returned to Father in Law/Papa's house to have dinner. Jay Jay thought it would be a good idea to give Little man cheesies right before dinner... Oh thanks Jay Jay, It's already a Spartan Battle without adding cheesies to the mix.... but she never sees him so she can spoil him. She got enough flack from Papa and Husband/Daddy! So once dinner was ready we all sat down at the table. Husband/Daddy and I were fully prepared to go Gerard Butler on little mans ass all over again... yet.. he actually ate.. surprising... Must've been all the activity that starved him.
We gave little man a bath in the worlds largest bath tub.. for him its like a swimming pool.. and then put him to bed. After that we all sat down to watch "Grown Ups" I must say I laughed my arse off.. and Husband/Daddy was pretty excited about Selma Hayek...
Sunday came and we were off to see my family.. Gramma/Great Grandma, Uncle/Great Uncle, Sister/Auntie J, Brother in law/Unkie S, Mommy/Nanny and a few others... We woke up and I got everything organized as much as possible. Headed up and got Little man out of bed, changed his clothes, got him all packed up, brought down the old playpen that we had left at papa's house as well as the baby gate we brought along to keep little man trapped in his room so HE wouldn't have a date with the stairs... Put our luggage and everything at the front door, fed little man breakfast, went downstairs where husband/Daddy was still snoring away and cleaned up our stuff and put it by the front door, and then woke up the beast to clean up the bed and stuff.... Husband/Daddy had the audacity to call me "High Maintenance" When I asked him nicely to just take his cup upstairs while I Loaded the car.... Umm pretty sure I just did EVERYTING there champ... wouldn't that make YOU High Maintenance? Turd. We said Bye to everyone and headed over to visit my abundance of family that coagulated at Grandma/Great Grandma's house like a blod clot... because apparently when we come down little man HAS to be spoiled by everyone at once.
When everyone was there it was quite a nice visit, Little man chased the dog around, and checked out all the stuff that my Grandma/Great Grandma owns.. Everyone was picking at muffins with cream cheese icing on top.. and Little man LOVED them.. he lost interest though when he had eaten all the icing and then of course moved onto my mom/Nanny's muffin that still had the icing on it.. and instead of making him eat what he had Nanny insisted on spoiling him and letting him lick the icing off hers... Sister/Aunt J had the right idea.. once Nanny's was gobbled up he moved on to hers... and she very clearly said "I love you but you have your own... You can't just eat the icing" Thank you Aunt J...
We decided to head home around 3. Got in the car hoping he would have a nap on the way home.. but nope... Thanks Nanny for the extra sugar rush!
That was our weekend. It was quite the adventure. Stay Tuned!
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