Monday, May 30, 2011
Well, the results are in..
I had my ultrasound to determine gender on Friday May 27th at 10:30am. I really do have to tell you.. the water that they make you drink has been totally unneccisary both ultrasounds I have had so far. In fact, I have gone to both feeling like I was going to explode and then was told to go ahead and empty my bladder. So what exactly was the point of going with a full bladder and sitting in the waiting room legs crossed crying tears of fear, hoping that I didn't have to sneeze? There wasn't one.
Finding out it was a girl surprised me an insane amount. I have to admit I was thinking boy and when the technician said girl I nearly fell off the bed! I am so pumped, this is going to be totally new to me and our family is now balanced!
So, that is my update for the day! I will have more to write later! Just thought I would let everyone in on our news!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
What's For Dinner Wednesday!
Today I felt like doing something different, I LOVE chili. LOVE and as long as I have a huge container of antacids on hand I can eat some! Here is a good hearty vegetable Chili, Helps me to get the family to eat a ton of vegetables... as they wouldn't otherwise.
Ninja's Totally Vegetable Chili
Stuff I Use:
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 large onions, diced
2 small zucchinis, chopped
1/3 jalapeno pepper, chopped (you can add more if you like a l
2 green bell peppers, chopped
2 red bell peppers, chopped
2 large garlic cloves, chopped
1 small sweet potato, peeled and chopped
3 tablespoons mild chili powder
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon sweet smoked paprika
28 oz can plum tomatoes
1 cup water
1 packed tablespoon brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
15 oz can kidney beans, drained and rinsed
15 oz can black beans, drained and rinsed
15 oz can corn, drained
1 1/2 cups frozen baby lima beans
Do This To Make It:
1. In a large, heavy pot over medium-high heat, warm the oil. Add the onion and saute it until it begins to brown, takes about 5 minutes. Add the zucchini, bell peppers, jalapeno and garlic and cook, stirring frequently, until the vegetables soften, usually about 10 minutes. Add the sweet potato, chili powder, cumin and paprika and cook, stirring, for about 3 minutes. Add the tomatoes, water, brown sugar and salt and bring to a simmer.
2. Partially cover the chili and simmer over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, for 45 minutes. Add the kidney and black beans and simmer for 15 minutes more. Stir in the corn and lima beans and simmer until heated through.
Serve with a garnish of Chopped Red Onion, Cilantro, Sour Cream and TONS of cheddar Cheese! I also serve this with my homemade garlic bread and a spinach Salad! Enjoy!
Friday, May 20, 2011
What Is Wrong With Men? No Seriously..
Can I just ask a question that has been getting to me for a long time? I am going to anyways...
The Men get you pregnant... even a second time after having dealt with a pregnant wife once already.... and STILL act surprised at what pregnancy entails? Is it just mine? Is he just a slow learner? Are men slow learners in general!? Or are they actually THAT ignorant?
Now, I am not slamming Men in general. I happen to quite like men, they are very useful for... umm.... erm.... well helping to procreate... and um..... well... Keeping you on your toes..... and...
Ok we will just leave the list of what Men are useful for, for another day. My Mother always taught me that if you don't have anything nice to say, Don't say anything at all and I am in quite the mood right now..
It seems like Husband/Daddy does things deliberately that pissed me off BEFORE I was pregnant and then wonders why my reaction is stronger right now than ever! Umm could that be because I HAVE A PERSON IN MY BODY!!?? Might it have something to do with the fact that my hormones are raging, my boobs hurt and I want to eat everything in sight? Might it have something to do with the fact that you KNOW that these things drive me nuts, that you KNOW that these things make me crazy, and that you are well aware that I cry at cereal commercials and get mad at dinner when it doesn't cook fast enough yet expect me to be ok when you come upstairs at night carrying my measuring cup full of water because you say all the cups are in the "Dishwasher"? NO genius they are NOT in the dishwasher, they are right beside your freaking side of the bed because as usual you can't take your cup down with you in the morning!
Is it just me!? Seriously, am I the only woman on the face of this earth than is married to a caveman in 2011?
"What the hell is wrong with men!?" NO... SERIOUSLY!?
The Men get you pregnant... even a second time after having dealt with a pregnant wife once already.... and STILL act surprised at what pregnancy entails? Is it just mine? Is he just a slow learner? Are men slow learners in general!? Or are they actually THAT ignorant?
Now, I am not slamming Men in general. I happen to quite like men, they are very useful for... umm.... erm.... well helping to procreate... and um..... well... Keeping you on your toes..... and...
Ok we will just leave the list of what Men are useful for, for another day. My Mother always taught me that if you don't have anything nice to say, Don't say anything at all and I am in quite the mood right now..
It seems like Husband/Daddy does things deliberately that pissed me off BEFORE I was pregnant and then wonders why my reaction is stronger right now than ever! Umm could that be because I HAVE A PERSON IN MY BODY!!?? Might it have something to do with the fact that my hormones are raging, my boobs hurt and I want to eat everything in sight? Might it have something to do with the fact that you KNOW that these things drive me nuts, that you KNOW that these things make me crazy, and that you are well aware that I cry at cereal commercials and get mad at dinner when it doesn't cook fast enough yet expect me to be ok when you come upstairs at night carrying my measuring cup full of water because you say all the cups are in the "Dishwasher"? NO genius they are NOT in the dishwasher, they are right beside your freaking side of the bed because as usual you can't take your cup down with you in the morning!
Is it just me!? Seriously, am I the only woman on the face of this earth than is married to a caveman in 2011?
Little Man's Funny Quote Fridays!
Welcome Back to "Little Man's Funny Quote Fridays!" This week was funny as heck. I was standing in the kitchen doing dishes and Little Man was off playing in the living room. He all of a sudden came flying into the kitchen. I turned off the water and dried my hands thinking he wanted a snack or a drink or something of that nature. I got down to his level and said "Little Man, What do you need?" He said:
"Ummm, I need a Haircut"
And then he started running his fingers through his hair. This made me laugh. I have no idea why he said that, where he got it from or how he knew it was true.. but it was just so random!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Right Now I would Chew My Arm Off For....
Today I would chew my own arm off for...
"A Peanut Butter and Bacon Sandwich dipped in Maple Syrup"
Seriously... You heard me right..
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Right Now I would Chew My Arm Off For....
I have decided to keep you all updated on What this Ninja Mommers Is craving. So Every Craving I have will be posted. This is more for fun and personal use to look back on and laugh after I have baby.
Today I would chew my own arm off for...
Seriously..."A Meatball Sub, Smothered in Cheddar Cheese with Ranch Sauce on it"
What's For Dinner Wednesday!
Welcome back to "What's For Dinner Wednesday!" This week is going to be quite simple. Tonight I am just going to make some Canneloni and a Salad. Mmmmmm.
Spinach And Ricotta Cannelloni
- 1 3/4 cup Tomato Sauce
- 600g Low Fat Ricotta Cheese
- 250g frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained.
- 2 tablespoons chopped flat-leaf parsley
- 2 tablespoons chopped basil
- 2 cups grated parmesan
- salt and cracked black pepper
- 6 fresh lasagne sheets
- 3/4 cup Tomato Sauce extra
- 1 cup grated low fat mozzarella
- Preheat oven to 190°C. Lightly grease a 20cm x 28cm x 4cm-high ovenproof dish. Pour in 1 cup Of Tomato Sauce, reserve the rest. Make sure to Spread it evenly over the base.
- Place ricotta, spinach, parsley, basil, 1/4 Cup of Parmesan, salt and pepper in a large bowl, and mix to combine.
- Cut each lasagne sheet into 14cm x 16cm pieces. Place 1/3 cup of ricotta mixture along length of each lasagne sheet and roll up to form a tube. The mixture should make 8 tubes. Lay tubes side by side in the dish. Spoon over extra tomato sauce to coat. Sprinkle with cheeses and bake for 25 minutes or until golden.
*Note: I like to serve this with a very light salad. It's a tasty dish. Yummy!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Little Man's Funny Quote Fridays!
Welcome back to this week's funny quote Friday! This week's was NOT hard to come up with at all. In fact it was quite amusing. Now, this DOES give me the "Bad Mommy" award but I have to admit my faults and we all do/say things that we wish we hadn't every once in a while.
Last weekend was very busy, we had lots to do and lots of places to go. Husband/Daddy was playing with Little Man in the living room and I was cleaning the kitchen and getting dinner organized. Husband/Daddy went and laid down on the couch and said: "I could fall asleep right now." My response was a quick: "If you do that I will punch you in the face." Now, of course I was joking but honestly, I am so sick of him falling asleep on the couch when I am in the middle of doing something, and then of course Little Man comes and bugs me right in the middle. So I continued cleaning, all of a sudden I hear a couple snores come out of the living room... so I look out and sure enough Husband/Daddy is falling asleep. That exact second Little Man hears his snores too, walks up to Husband/Daddy pokes him and says very sweetly:
"Daddy?! Punch in the face!?"
and then proceeds to poke him gently in the nose. (he doesn't know what punching is... thank goodness) Now Of course, that is wrong, and on so many levels just hilarious, and I had to tell Little Man that wasn't nice and he hasn't said it since.. Thank goodness. I learned my lesson that day..
Friday, May 6, 2011
Little Man's Funny Quote Friday!
Welcome back to "Little Man's Funny Quote Friday!" This week`s quote was awesome! Children are so innocent it makes me smile. The other day when we had to take a cab home because it was raining so much... Yep, that wonderful Monday! Well We got into the cab. Little Man got all buckled in. The Man was a nice older man with a big old bald spot in the middle of the back of his head. Little Man Looked at me and said very loudly:
"Mommy, That Man has hole in his hair!!"
I shhh'd him the best I could and Thankfully the cab driver thought it was funny... and we all got home safely.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
GIRL OR BOY? Ultrasounds and Poking and Prodding!
Ok, So I am offically 16 weeks as of today. I took this picture a few days ago so I thought it would be sufficient to post it.
Yesterday I had my Doctor's Appointment, When I went in I got poked and prodded as per usual when you are pregnant. Sheesh.. you have to get poked and prodded to GET pregnant and then for the entire 9 months after you are poked and prodded by a plethora of different people!
It was an interesting appointment. Grandpa M Watched Little Man while I went in to get all this stuff done. Considering they did a full physical. My weight gain has been minimal so far which is a positive thing. I am eating enough, just not bludgeoning myself like last time so that's good! All Positive stuff so far!
They also booked my Ultrasound for gender determination! I will be finding out May 27th if I am having Another Little boy or a Little Girl. My Sister is currently Pregnant too. She is 19 weeks, she had her ultrasound today and called me... IT'S A GIRL! I knew it, I could tell by the way she is carrying! I am excited to have a little girl to do fun girl stuff with and spoil! It's kinda nice to know I am an Aunt now and don't have to be the disciplinarian to this one! I can just be fun Aunt Ninja!
So everyone...... This is the question. Based on how I am carrying in the picture (Low and all out front, my shirt is very long so it looks higher up but my belly ends just before my lady parts begin lol and the shirt covers my bum!)......
Am I Having A Girl Or Boy!?
Please post your guesses in the comment section.. I sure would love to know the predictions of those that don't know me personally.
What's For Dinner Wednesday!
Welcome back to "What's For Dinner Wednesday!" Today is going to be a fun meal that Little Man can participate in creating!
Pizza Ingredients:
Special Stuff You Require!
2 Follow the Directions on your dough package. Or if you chose to make your own follow the recipes for preparing the dough. Again, I commend your ambitious nature.
3 Get your favorite toppings ready. Note that you are not going to want to load up each pizza with a lot of toppings as the crust will end up not crisp that way and then you will end up with mushy crust EWWW. About a third of a cup each of tomato sauce and cheese would be fine for one pizza.. (This coming from someone who could eat a brick of cheese in one sitting so trust me) One to two mushrooms thinly sliced will cover a pizza, so don't over do it and Prep too much!
4 Working one ball of dough at a time, take one ball of dough and flatten it with your hands on a slightly floured work surface. Starting at the center and working outwards, use your fingertips to press the dough to 1/2-inch thick. Turn and stretch the dough until it will not stretch further. Let the dough relax 5 minutes and then continue to stretch it until it reaches the desired diameter - 10 to 12 inches. Use your palm to flatten the edge of the dough where it is thicker. You can pinch the very edges if you want to form a lip. This is usually universal no matter what kind of dough you use. But again, check the package directions or use your recipe for any dough prep.
5 Brush the top of the dough with olive oil (to prevent it from getting soggy from the toppings). Use your finger tips to press down and make dents along the surface of the dough to prevent bubbling. Let rest another 5 minutes. You can Repeat with the second ball of dough.
6 Lightly sprinkle your flat baking sheet with corn meal. Transfer one prepared flattened dough to the pizza peel. If the dough has lost its shape in the transfer, lightly shape it to the desired dimensions.
7 Spoon on the tomato sauce, sprinkle with cheese, and place the toppings you want on the pizza.
8 Sprinkle some cornmeal on the baking stone in the oven (watch your hands, the oven is hot, trust me I learned this the hard way!). Gently shake the baking sheet to see if the dough will easily slide, if not, gently lift up the edges of the pizza and add a bit more cornmeal. Slide the pizza off of the baking sheet and on to the baking stone in the oven. Bake pizza one at a time until the crust is browned and the cheese is golden, about 10-15 minutes. If you want, toward the end of the cooking time you can sprinkle on a little more cheese.
YUM Pizza!
I will be serving this with Garlic Bread and A Salad!
Ninja's Homemade Pizza Recipe
Pizza Ingredients:
- Olive oil
- Tomato sauce
- Mozzarella and Cheddar Cheese Shredded
- Thinly Sliced Mushrooms (But Only on 1/2 a pizza because Husband/Daddy will cry)
- Chopped fresh basil
- Pesto
- Pepperoni, thinly sliced
- Onions, thinly sliced
Special Stuff You Require!
- A pizza stone, highly recommended if you want your pizza dough to be crusty like your Husband.
- A flat baking sheet
- A pizza wheel for cutting the pizza, which is not required just recommended.. Makes cutting the Pizza SO much easier!
What Ya Gotta Do!:
Creating The Masterpiece That Is Pizza Dough:
Honestly? Since I don't have a heavy duty mixer or any of that fun stuff I usually buy the prepared dough at the grocery store. It's already made and just ready be rolled out. Saves the trouble of making it yourself and gets dinner on faster. If you prefer to make your own dough then go on ahead and find a pizza dough recipe to use. I'm not stopping you, just jealous at all the time you have!
Making The Artwork Of Pizza:
1 Place a pizza stone on a rack in the lower third of your oven. Preheat the oven to 450°F for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour.2 Follow the Directions on your dough package. Or if you chose to make your own follow the recipes for preparing the dough. Again, I commend your ambitious nature.
3 Get your favorite toppings ready. Note that you are not going to want to load up each pizza with a lot of toppings as the crust will end up not crisp that way and then you will end up with mushy crust EWWW. About a third of a cup each of tomato sauce and cheese would be fine for one pizza.. (This coming from someone who could eat a brick of cheese in one sitting so trust me) One to two mushrooms thinly sliced will cover a pizza, so don't over do it and Prep too much!
4 Working one ball of dough at a time, take one ball of dough and flatten it with your hands on a slightly floured work surface. Starting at the center and working outwards, use your fingertips to press the dough to 1/2-inch thick. Turn and stretch the dough until it will not stretch further. Let the dough relax 5 minutes and then continue to stretch it until it reaches the desired diameter - 10 to 12 inches. Use your palm to flatten the edge of the dough where it is thicker. You can pinch the very edges if you want to form a lip. This is usually universal no matter what kind of dough you use. But again, check the package directions or use your recipe for any dough prep.
5 Brush the top of the dough with olive oil (to prevent it from getting soggy from the toppings). Use your finger tips to press down and make dents along the surface of the dough to prevent bubbling. Let rest another 5 minutes. You can Repeat with the second ball of dough.
6 Lightly sprinkle your flat baking sheet with corn meal. Transfer one prepared flattened dough to the pizza peel. If the dough has lost its shape in the transfer, lightly shape it to the desired dimensions.
7 Spoon on the tomato sauce, sprinkle with cheese, and place the toppings you want on the pizza.
8 Sprinkle some cornmeal on the baking stone in the oven (watch your hands, the oven is hot, trust me I learned this the hard way!). Gently shake the baking sheet to see if the dough will easily slide, if not, gently lift up the edges of the pizza and add a bit more cornmeal. Slide the pizza off of the baking sheet and on to the baking stone in the oven. Bake pizza one at a time until the crust is browned and the cheese is golden, about 10-15 minutes. If you want, toward the end of the cooking time you can sprinkle on a little more cheese.
YUM Pizza!
I will be serving this with Garlic Bread and A Salad!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Broken Eggs, HUGE hearts and Waterlogged!

We got things all organized and I pulled out the eggs. I told Little Man: "Don't touch these please they will break and make a HUGE mess." He looked and me and said "Ok Mommy..." YEAH RIGHT. Well, I turned for one second to grab the flour and there was already an egg on the floor, which somehow managed to not only just hit the floor, but the counter, the cupboards, Little Man's chair he was using to stand on to get to counter height, his hands, his hair and his clean shirt. I turned around and he looked shocked. I am not sure why since I warned him that would happen! I was also shocked. I know Little Men don't ALWAYS listen, but I didn't think he'd do the complete opposite of what I wanted him to do in so little time. I Looked at him and said: "Little Man, Mommy ASKED you NOT to touch the eggs! Look What Happened NOW!? He started to whimper and I did the first thing that I thought to do which was grab him off the chair, pull his clothes off and wash him down with soapy water from head to toe to make sure I got all the egg goop off of him and gave him a big hug and just reassured him that he needed to be a good listener from that point on. I then sent him packing into the living room so I could clean up, but that didn't work very well, because for some reason as that moment I started to cry! I know, I know. BAD MOMMY! I have no idea why I started to cry, it just happened. I sat there covered in Little Man's Egg mess, tears streaming down my face. Little Man tip toed into the kitchen and said in his nicest voice: "Ok Mommy?" I told him that I was OK and that I was sorry for getting upset with him and he said "It Ok Mommy, Don't cry." This made me cry harder. My Little Man is so sweet. At that moment he cupped my face in his hands and said: "Smile Mommy!" And something dawned on me. I MUST be doing something right. He has such a big heart, He is so loving and caring! At that moment I did just as he asked. I smiled at him and then told him how much I love him and sent him packing again to clean up that silly little mess in the kitchen. I know it's normal to make mistakes, but lordy I always feel like an awful parent. Maybe I am just too hard on myself! I then finished with the cake and took Little Man up to the Bathtub to get him really clean.
I got him in the tub and he started splashing all around, he then picked up the cup and went to pour water out of the tub. I nicely reminded him to keep the water in the tub. At that same moment I ended up with the cup full of water over my head instead. Sopping wet I looked at Little Man....he gets the cute thing from me but he gets this defiance thing from his Father. I was an angel child.
*Disclosure:* If My Mother is reading this I am pretty sure is rolling on the floor laughing at that last "I was an angel child" bit and also feeling a little triumphant that I am not having the easiest time parenting in the world... Well Mom, SHUSH YOU!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Monday.. the Not so Fun Day!
Well the Weekend is over and the daily grind starts again. Husband/Daddy is back at work and I am back to trying to get things done. The house is always a mess after the weekend and I hate utilizing Monday's to clean but I do it anyways.
This morning was not our typical Monday morning. Little Man was up at 6am this morning. He hasn't been feeling well lately and although he seems to be getting better he woke up this morning with a stuffy nose. I tried to get him to go back to sleep but by 7 he just wasn't having it and Husband/Daddy had to go to work. So, Husband/Daddy grabbed him and brought him into our room and then left for the day. Little man was telling me that he was "Sick" so I tucked him into our bed and we drifted off to dreamland together. It was glorious. I Have not been the kind of parent that co-sleeps but as long as he sleeps in his own bed at night time, if he's not feeling well he is more than welcome in our bed in the morning to snuggle and watch some cartoons. I woke up around 9:30 and he was still snuggled in beside me. He asked me if we could watch some cartoons, I was kind of shocked so I asked him: "Don't you want to get out of bed and go get some breakfast?" He replied with a: "No Mommy, I sick, I snuggle in Mommy's bed." So, I grabbed him some water and we snuggled a little longer and watched some cartoons. Around 10 we headed downstairs where I fed him some cereal and he reluctantly ate it. I then check the Weather and decided that we would be ok to go for a walk to the grocery store and get some stuff we were missing as it wasn't supposed to rain until later this afternoon. Pffft, I should have known. We got 3/4 of the way there and it started to POUR! We ran into one of the local stores and bought a cheap umbrella since we don't own one and started across the street to the grocery store. Well, the wind picked up and the umbrella wasn't doing anything. We ran into the store and grabbed what we needed and ended up having to cab it back. POOP. The walk would have been cheaper but I didn't feel like letting the umbrella carry us away because in NO way am I Mary Poppins.
Once we got home the sun came out and it looks rather beautiful. So much for THAT weather forecast!
This weekend was a full one. Saturday was beautiful and after a whole week of being trapped in the house because of the rain we decided to take full advantage of it. We went to the park and played for hours. Little Man enjoyed it so much, and I got to soak up some much needed Vitamin D. Husband/Daddy and I have been looking around at baby furniture lately and trying to get some deals since the last year has left us at a loss for an abundance of funds. But we are managing and always will. We obtained a crib over the weekend thanks to my Mother In Law. (Gramma T). So that's a good thing, one less thing to worry about.
Now, I think I am going to clean a little like I usually do, throw some laundry in and then perhaps Little Man and I will head outside to enjoy this weather.. if it doesn't start randomly snowing or something.
This morning was not our typical Monday morning. Little Man was up at 6am this morning. He hasn't been feeling well lately and although he seems to be getting better he woke up this morning with a stuffy nose. I tried to get him to go back to sleep but by 7 he just wasn't having it and Husband/Daddy had to go to work. So, Husband/Daddy grabbed him and brought him into our room and then left for the day. Little man was telling me that he was "Sick" so I tucked him into our bed and we drifted off to dreamland together. It was glorious. I Have not been the kind of parent that co-sleeps but as long as he sleeps in his own bed at night time, if he's not feeling well he is more than welcome in our bed in the morning to snuggle and watch some cartoons. I woke up around 9:30 and he was still snuggled in beside me. He asked me if we could watch some cartoons, I was kind of shocked so I asked him: "Don't you want to get out of bed and go get some breakfast?" He replied with a: "No Mommy, I sick, I snuggle in Mommy's bed." So, I grabbed him some water and we snuggled a little longer and watched some cartoons. Around 10 we headed downstairs where I fed him some cereal and he reluctantly ate it. I then check the Weather and decided that we would be ok to go for a walk to the grocery store and get some stuff we were missing as it wasn't supposed to rain until later this afternoon. Pffft, I should have known. We got 3/4 of the way there and it started to POUR! We ran into one of the local stores and bought a cheap umbrella since we don't own one and started across the street to the grocery store. Well, the wind picked up and the umbrella wasn't doing anything. We ran into the store and grabbed what we needed and ended up having to cab it back. POOP. The walk would have been cheaper but I didn't feel like letting the umbrella carry us away because in NO way am I Mary Poppins.
Once we got home the sun came out and it looks rather beautiful. So much for THAT weather forecast!
This weekend was a full one. Saturday was beautiful and after a whole week of being trapped in the house because of the rain we decided to take full advantage of it. We went to the park and played for hours. Little Man enjoyed it so much, and I got to soak up some much needed Vitamin D. Husband/Daddy and I have been looking around at baby furniture lately and trying to get some deals since the last year has left us at a loss for an abundance of funds. But we are managing and always will. We obtained a crib over the weekend thanks to my Mother In Law. (Gramma T). So that's a good thing, one less thing to worry about.
Now, I think I am going to clean a little like I usually do, throw some laundry in and then perhaps Little Man and I will head outside to enjoy this weather.. if it doesn't start randomly snowing or something.
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